Sunday, August 19, 2007

Change IP address of an existing Apps server

This scenario solely depends on how you have carried out Installations. While installations if you have used only hostname of servers instead of IP address then the activity becomes very simple.

Otherwise you can check fnd_profile_option_values where profile_option_value has an ip style number in it. Check icx_parameters so see whether an vals in there are IP numbers, check the tnsnames and listener.ora files in the oracle homes to see if they have ips or names and a quick check, if someone has not manually updated it ... if you are autoconfig enabled, check the context file ( $APPL_TOP/admin/.xml ) to see whether it has IPs or names in it.

Steps :

1. Shut down the Application as well as database.

2. Change the IP address at OS level and restart the Network daemon.

3. Bring up the database listener.

4. Startup the databse.

5. run auto config at databse then at all middle tier starting from admin node. It should complete successfully.

6. Bring up the middle Tier. They should come up without any error.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Chaging port of Web listener after installation

This note applies to Oracle Applications
I have implemented this in one of my project at client location.

Follow these easy steps to change the port of web listener of your live system.


1. Current port is 8080 and need to be changed to 8000.

Steps :

1. Logon to middle Tier and open the confiduration .xml file (resides in $APPL_TOP/admin) with editor. I have used vi as my editor.

2. Replace any occurrance of 8080 with 8000. You can use this command in vi to replace the string 8080

3. Save the file and exit.

4. Now run the autoconfig on the middle Tier. And Restart all the middle tier services.

5. Now try to open the instance login page with new port.

If you are using multi-Node system. The you have to edit every node's xml file and run autoconfig on each node seperately.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Cloning (multi node to single node) oracle Shared Application file system

I didn't find any clear note on cloning of shared application tier file system. I have implemented this for one of our client. Hence, I am posting. Hope it help you out.

Source server Specifications :

Number of Nodes : 3
Node1 : Database
Node2 : Admin & Concurrent server (NFS Share)
Node3 : Forms $ web (NFS mount)

Target server Specification :

Node 1 : All services

Operating System : Solaris 10

Application Version :

Steps :

note : While cloning assume the shared file system server as single node server.

1. Run at node on which admin server is installed.

$perl appsTier

In shared application file system you need NOT use "merge" option with adpreclone.

If you are using solaris you will have to define env varaiable PATH and PERL5LIB to successfully run this command.

2. Run at database tier.

$perl dbTier

3. Copy all the file system from source node to target node. You can use tar and gzip command to create file for transfer.

Copy the following application tier directories from the primary node of your source system to the target application tier node, retaining the original directory structure:


4. At target node uncompress the files.

5. Run the at database end first then at appsTier.

perl dbTier (DBTier)
perl appsTier (appsTier)

6. run autoconfig on database end first then on apps tier.

7. Post Clone Tasks

Log in to the target system application tier node as the APPLMGR user.
Run the following tasks in adadmin for all products:
o generate JAR files
o generate message files
o relink executables
o copy files to destination